Since Mark is going to be at the June comic convention and is a well known local comi8cs writer and is appearing as part of the Aye Write festival on
Monday at the Mitchell Library and because I intend to extend the Mark Millar back issue section I have decided to reprint this checklist:
UK publishers
Saviour (with Daniel Vallely and Nigel Kitching, Trident Comics, 6-issue mini-series, 1989–1990)
"Her parents" (with John McCrea, in Crisis #31, 1989)
Tharg's Future Shocks:
"The Foreign Model" (with Dave D'Antiquis, in 2000 AD #643, 1989)
"Self Awareness" (with Keith Page, in 2000 AD #648, 1989)
"Nightmare On Ses*me Street " (with Brian Williamson, in 2000 AD #785, 1992)
"A Fete Worse Than Death" (with Brian Williamson, in 2000 AD #786, 1992)
Judge Dredd:
"Christmas is Cancelled" (with Brett Ewins, in 2000 AD Winter Special 1990, November 1990)
"Crime Prevention" (with Carl Critchlow, in 2000 AD #829, April 1993)
"Great Brain Robbery" (with Ron Smith, in 2000 AD #835-836, May 1993)
"Tough Justice" (with Mick Austin, in 2000 AD #840, June 1993)
"Down Among the Dead Men" (with Brett Ewins, in 2000 AD #841, June 1993)
"War Games" (with Paul Marshall, in 2000 AD #854, September 1993)
"Judge Tyrannosaur" (with Ron Smith, in 2000 AD #855, October 1993)
"Book of the Dead" (with co-author Grant Morrison, and art by Dermot Power, in 2000 AD #859-866, 1993, reprinted, Hamlyn, 1996, ISBN 0-7493-9692-X)
"I Hate Christmas" (with Carlos Ezquerra, in 2000 AD #867, December 1993)
"Frankenstein Div " (with Carlos Ezquerra, in 2000 AD #868-871, January 1994)
"Crime Prevention" (with Nick Percival, in 2000 AD #872, January 1994)
"Top Gun" (with Ron Smith, in 2000 AD #879, March 1994)
"Under Seige" (with Paul Peart, in 2000 AD #880, March 1994)
"Mr Bennet Joins the Judges" (with Peter Doherty, in 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1994, June 1994)
"Crusade" (with co-author Grant Morrison, and art by Mick Austin, in 2000 AD #928-937, February–April 1995)
"Man Who Broke the Law" (with Steve Yeowell, in 2000 AD #968-969, December 1995)
"The Big Hit" (with G. Stoddart, in 2000 AD #1029-1030, February 1997)
Silo (with Dave D'Antiquis, in 2000 AD #706-711, November–December 1990)
The Shadowmen (with Andrew Hope, Trident Comics, only 2 issues released before the firm went bankrupt, 1990)
Insiders (with Paul Grist, in Crisis #54-59, 1991)
Red Razors:
"Red Razors" (with Steve Yeowell, in Judge Dredd Megazine (vol. 1) #8-15, 1991)
"The Secret Origin of Comrade Ed" (with Steve Yeowell, in Judge Dredd Mega-Special #5, 1992)
"Doctor's Orders" (with Steve Yeowell, in Judge Dredd 1993 Yearbook, 1992)
"Hunt For Red Razors" (with Nigel Dobbyn, in 2000 AD #908-917, 1994)
"Rites of Passage" (with Nigel Dobbyn, in 2000 AD #971, 1995)
"Robo-Hunter" (with Jose Casanovas, in 2000 AD #723-734, 1991)
"Return of the Puppet Master" (with Simon Jacob, in 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1991)
"Killer Grannies" (with Graham Higgins, in 2000 AD Yearbook 1992, 1991)
"Escape from Bisleyland" (with Anthony Williams, in 2000 AD #750-759, 1991)
"Return to Verdus Prologue" (with Jose Casanovas, in 2000 AD #792, 1992)
"Return to Verdus" (with Jose Casanovas, in 2000 AD #793-802, 1992)
"The Succubus" (with Simon Jacob, in 2000 AD Yearbook 1993, 1992)
"Aces of Slades" (with Anthony Williams, in 2000 AD #813-816, 1992–1993)
"Serial Stunners" (with Jose Casanovas, in 2000 AD #819-822, 1993)
"Keith the Killer Robot" (with Ron Smith, in 2000 AD #825-827, 1993)
"Revenge of Dr Robotski" (with Simon Jacob, in 2000 AD #881-884, 1994)
Tales from Beyond Science (with Rian Hughes):
"The Men in Red" (in 2000 AD #774, 1992)
"Long Distance Calls" (in 2000 AD #776, 1992)
"The Secret Month Under the Stairs" (in 2000 AD Winter Special #4, 1992)
"The Man Who Created Space" (in 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special, 1994)
The Spider (with John Higgins/David Hine, in 2000 AD Action Special, 1992)
Purgatory (with Carlos Ezquerra, in 2000 AD #834-841, 1993)
Tharg's Terror Tales:
"The Tooth Fairy" (with Greg Staples, in 2000 AD #839, 1993)
"The Uncanny Dr. Doctor" (with Shaky Kane, in 2000 AD #860, 1993)
"Milk & Honey" (with Kevin Cullen, in 2000 AD #895, 1994)
Maniac 5:
"Maniac 5" (with Steve Yeowell, in 2000 AD #842-849, 1993)
"War Journal" (with David Hine, in 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 1993)
"Maniac 6 Prologue" (with Richard Elson, in 2000 AD Winter Special 1993)
"Maniac 6" (with Steve Yeowell, in 2000 AD #956-963, 1995)
Big Dave (with co-author Grant Morrison):
"Target Baghdad" (with Steve Parkhouse, in 2000 AD #842-845, 1993)
"Young Dave" (with Steve Parkhouse, in 2000AD Yearbook 1994, 1993)
"Monarchy in the UK" (with Steve Parkhouse, in 2000 AD #846-849, 1994)
"Costa del Chaos" (with Anthony Williams, in 2000 AD #869-872, 1994)
"Wotta Lotta Balls" (with Steve Parkhouse, in 2000 AD #904-907, 1994)
Canon Fodder: "Canon Fodder" (with Chris Weston, in 2000 AD #861-867, 1993)
Sonic the Hedgehog (in Sonic the Comic #2, #3, #5, #11-13, #15 & #16, 1993; #72 & #73, 1994)
Streets of Rage (in Sonic the Comic #7-12, 1993; #25-30, 1994)
A Day in the Life of Robotnik (in Sonic the Comic #42, 1994)
The Grudge-Father (with Jim McCarthy, in 2000 AD #878-883, 1994)
Babe Race 2000 (with Anthony Williams)
"Babe Race 2000" (in 2000 AD #883-888, 1994)
"Bounty Hunter Mom" (in 2000AD Yearbook 1995)
Rogue Trooper (Friday): "G.I. Blues" (with Chris Weston, in 2000 AD #901-903, 1994)
Janus: Psi-Division:
"A New Star" (with Paul Johnson, in 2000 AD #980-984, 1996)
"Faustus" (with co-author Grant Morrison, and art by Paul Johnson, in 2000 AD #1024-1031, 1997)
US publishersAmerican comics (sorted by year of publication, when available) include:
Skrull Kill Krew (5-issue miniseries (co-written with Grant Morrison), Marvel, 1995, tpb, 2006 ISBN 0-7851-2120-X)
Ultimate X-Men #1-12, 15-33 & Ultimate War #1-4 (Marvel, 2000–2003) collected as:
*Volume 1: The Tomorrow People (#1 - 6)
*Volume 2: Return To Weapon X (#7 - 12)
*Volume 3: World Tour (#13 - 20)
*Volume 4: Hellfire & Brimstone (#21 - 25)
*Volume 5: Ultimate War (Ultimate War #1 - 4)
*Volume 6: Return Of The King (#26 - 33)
The Ultimates #1-13 (with artist Bryan Hitch, Marvel, 2002–2004)
*The Ultimates, Volume 1 - Super Human
*The Ultimates, Volume 2 - Homeland Security
Trouble (with Terry Dodson/Rachel Dodson, 5-issue mini-series, Marvel Comics 2003)
Ultimate Fantastic Four #1-6 (2003–2004). 6-issue story arc initially co-written with Brian Michael Bendis, who wrote most of the later issues of the story.
*Collected in trade paperback, UFF: Volume 1: The Fantastic
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #1-12 (with artists Terry Dodson (#1-4, 6-7 & 9-12) and Frank Cho (#5 & 8), Marvel, 2004–2005):
*Down Among the Dead Men (#1-4)
*Venomous (#5-8)
*The Last Stand (#9-12)
Wolverine vol. 3 #20-32 (with artists John Romita Jr. (#20-31) & Kaare Andrews (#32), Marvel Comics, 2004–2005) collected as:
Wolverine: Enemy of the State (hardcover)
*Wolverine: Enemy of the State Volumes 1 & 2 (paperback)
The Ultimates 2 #1-13 (with artist Bryan Hitch, Marvel Comics, 2004–2007) collected as:
*The Ultimates 2, Volume 1 - Gods and Monsters
*The Ultimates 2, Volume 2 - Grand Theft America
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21-32 (with artist Greg Land, Marvel Comics, 2005–2006) collected as:
*Volume 5 - Crossover
*Volume 6 - Frightful
*Civil War #1-7 (with artist Steve McNiven, Marvel Comics, 2006–2007)
Fantastic Four #554-569 (with artist Bryan Hitch, Marvel Comics, 2008–2009)
*Kick-Ass #1-present (with artist John Romita Jr., Icon, 2008–present)
Marvel 1985 (with artist Tommy Lee Edwards, 6-issue limited series, Marvel, 2008)
Wolverine vol. 3 #66-72 + Wolverine: Old Man Logan Giant-Sized special (with artist Steve McNiven, Marvel, 2008–2009)
Ultimate Comics: Avengers #1-present (with artist Carlos Pacheco, Marvel, 2009–present)
Nemesis (with Steve McNiven, mini-series, Icon Comics, March 2010, forthcoming)
Superior (with Leinil Francis Yu, ongoing series, Icon Comics, Octorber 2010)
1995 5 issue mini series set in a parallel world without superheroes
Swamp Thing
issues #140 - 143 (co-written with Grant Morrison)
issues #144 - 171
The Flash #130 - 138 (co-written with Grant Morrison)
The Flash #139 - 141
Superman Adventures # 16, 19, 22-38, 41 & 52.
JLA - Paradise Lost (3-issue mini-series, DC Comics)
JLA #27 (DC Comics)
DC Tangent: The Superman
The Authority #13-20, 22 & 27-29 (Wildstorm)
*Jenny Sparks (5-issue mini-series, Wildstorm, 2000)
Superman: Red Son (with Dave Johnson, 3-issue prestige mini-series, DC, 2003)
*Wanted (with artist J.G. Jones, 6-issue creator-owned limited series, Image/Top Cow
"Chosen (with artist Peter Gross, 3-issue creator-owned miniseries, Dark Horse, 2004, tpb, Image Comics, 72 pages, December 2008, ISBN 160706006X)
*The Unfunnies (4-issue mini-series, Avatar Press, 2004 (1-2) & 2007 (3-4)
War Heroes #1-present (with artist Tony Harris, Image Comics, 2008–present)
*Vampirella masters series 2,3 Dynamite
s2000 Nomination for "Best Writer" Eisner Award for Superman Adventures
2001 Nomination for "Best Writer" Eisner Award for The Authority and Ultimate X-Men
2004 Nomination for "Favourite Comics Writer" Eagle Award
2005 Won "Favourite Colour Comicbook - American" Eagle Award, for The Ultimates Volume 2
2005 Won "Favourite Comics Story" Eagle Award, for The Ultimates Volume 2 #1-9
2005 Nomination for "Favourite Comics Story" Eagle Award, for Wolverine #20-25
* Those marked with an asterisk are ones which I have in stock or re-order when sold.